Business Improvement | Asset Management | Coaching & Mentoring
von X Consulting specialises in helping clients in the mining industry to make sustainable changes and improvements through coaching, mentoring and workshops in these four key areas of business:

Our four pillar approach enables us to ensure that your company is optimised and operating efficiently and effectively, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
von X Consulting will provide you with world class coaching, mentoring and training to help you identify problems and mitigate risks within your company.
More importantly, we will help you to put processes and strategies in place, and provide simple, sustainable and practicable solutions that will deliver results!

1. Asset Management
Are you missing valuable growth and investment opportunities in your company simply due to getting caught up in day to day requirements?
When is the last time you got a specialist in to audit and evaluate your assets?
What asset management plans and strategies do you have in place to ensure long term growth?
von X Consulting is passionate about getting results and is committed to providing professional support when it comes to asset management and improvements.
We will help you identify ‘low lying fruit’ within your company as well as assess risks and maturity of your assets. This will influence the strategies we develop to grow and scale your company, while ensuring improvements are sustainable over time.
Our Asset Management Pillar consists of these Key Elements:
- Reliability improvement programs tailored to mitigate site constraints
- Asset Management maturity audits
- Asset Management Plan (AMP) development
- Shut down readiness reviews & management
- Planned Maintenance Optimization (PMO)
- Facilitate Root Cause Analysis (RCA’s) and failure investigations
- Minor and Major project management support

2. Business Improvement
Do you need an independant review to map out your systems and processes and show you where small changes will make the biggest difference?
Has communication broken down resulting in miscommunication between departments in your company?
Are you constantly dealing with repeat failures and mishaps in the workplace?
At von X Consulting, we thrive on helping you to overcome challenges in the workplace to make you run more efficiently and effectively, saving you time, money and resources.
We assess your systems and processes, measure and map out your current state, analyse the results and then work with you to plan the improvements for a future state, ensuring your time, money and resources are optimised to get you the results that you require.

Our Business Improvement Pillar consists of these Key Elements:
- Organisational Change & Transformation (OCT)
- Constraint management and de-bottlenecking
- Organisational risk and opportunity identification
- Business Process Improvement: including;
- Lean Manufacturing Techniques in setting up Visual Management Boards
- Value Stream Mapping
- 5’s Program
- 8 Wastes
- Six-Sigma (DMAIC)

3. Capability & Culture
Is your team functional, cooperating, and working together towards a common goal?
Or has distraction and discontent set in, especially after changes in the workplace due to the pandemic?
Do you need help to engage your teams, realign with strategies and further develop culture & leadership skills?
von X Consulting will provide your company with world class coaching and mentoring to help you and your teams operate and function seamlessly within the workplace.
We have partnered with a number of consulting businesses and formed strategic alliances to offer you a wider range of tools and resources to develop both team and leadership capabilities, including engagement and realignment of strategies, as well as developing overall culture.
Our Capability & Culture Pillar consists of these Key Elements:
- Alignment of strategy, structure, people and processes
- Facilitate team building workshops and team strategy sessions
- Coaching & Mentoring; including cascaded coaching methodologies
- Leadership Development training programs which are tailored to our individual clients requirements
- Succession planning and effective application
- Talent sourcing and placement

4. Operational Readiness
Is your operational readiness framework fit for purpose, scalable and getting you the results you require to achieve your ROI?
Does your project meet all the investment requirements and have critical risks been identified and mitigated?
Do you need outside experience and governance to help you get operational ready?
Major capital projects for new facilities demand a comprehensive approach to addressing operational risks. From the earliest decision to pursue the investment, through to commissioning and ramping up the name plate capacity, there are countless choices that will impact business performance and determine operational risks.
As the project moves from concept phase through to construction (and later to commissioning), the number of options shrink while the cost to mitigate risks increase.
We can help you mitigate these risks in the early stages, plus take care of the care, custody and control transition, saving you valuable time and resources while keeping your project sustainable long term.
Our Operational Readiness Pillar consists of these Key Elements:
- Organisational Design and Effectiveness.
- People RACI mapping against competency, capability & capacity and ensuring its reflective in position descriptions.
- Due Diligence review, ensuring FMECA are adequate, PM/Pd.M.’s developed and loaded in CMMS with correct task lists and BoM’s.
- Punch listing complete and asset ready for handover of care, custody and control to client.

Our Approach:
We keep it simple and get Results!
von X Consulting uses tried and tested systems, strategies, process and tools that are specifically tailored to your company’s needs and requirements.
We don’t just help identify the pain points, but we journey with you to plan, implement and then follow up, to ensure systems and processes are embedded within your operating model and get you the results you require.
Although we specialise in the mining industry, we have helped countless other corporate businesses to optimise, grow and reach their potential.
Our strategy is designed to empower your team and outfit them with the tools they need to succeed.

1. Assess the Gap:
This is where we identify the WHAT- including pain points, problems, risks and any missed opportunities within your company. We use various tools, processes and techniques to assess and measure where you are at, compared to where you need to be.

2. Build the Strategy:
In step 2 we outline and plan HOW we will get the results. This is the growth and development element where we employ business improvement tools and change & transformations techniques to build a tailored strategy what will deliver the greatest outcomes.

3. Implement the Change:
This is the WHO and WHEN – essentially where the rubber hits the road and where the hard work is done. In step 3 we address the Culture and Capability pillar through world class coaching and mentoring to realign teams and strategies within your company.

4. Deliver & Sustain:
In step 4 we journey with you to ensure that improvement strategies are implemented and continue to be sustainable with long term results.
Book a Call:
Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.